Hall Rentals

Questions?  Want to check availability? 

Email us or call 610-286-6481

MAXIMUM CAPACITY : 100 People Per Event


Available for Wedding Receptions, Banquets, Showers, Parties, Business Meetings, and any Social Gathering.  Room has projection screen (no projector), sound system (voice only), direct access to bathrooms, central air/heat and large lighted parking lot. Kitchen access is limited to refrigerator use only.  Alcohol use is at the discretion of the renter who assumes all risks/liability of hall use.

Hall is NOT available the first Saturday or Sunday of any month

Rental Cost:  $250.00

$50.00 security deposit is required at time of booking.  Security deposit is non-refundable unless booking is cancelled more than 30 days prior to the rental date.  Balance of $200 is due prior to date of rental

In compliance with Pennsylvania law, smoking is prohibited in the building

Interested in joining?

Visit our Recruitment Page to learn about the different levels of membership.  If you're ready to apply now, download the application here!

Membership Application
Adobe Acrobat document [400.6 KB]


Month  Calls
January 78
February 53
March 41
April 57
May 52
June 67
July 67
August 60
September 48


Total    593

2023:  553 Calls


2022:  504 Calls

2021 - 487 Calls

2020 - 456 Calls

2019 - 420 Calls

2018 - 429 Calls

2017 - 359 Calls

2016 - 296 Calls

2015 - 299 Calls